por Obed Arango
Click here for English version
MACONI es el testimonio de Salvador González, un inmigrante de origen mexicano que habita en los suburbios de Filadelfia. Su reflexión de vida es honesta directa, dura, pero llena de esperanza. En el cortometraje aborda los retos que tiene la comunidad inmigrante y nos da una contranarrativa que reta las versiones que criminalizan a la comunidad inmigrante en los Estados Unidos.
El cortometraje forma parte de la colección “Villa Inmigrante” realizada y producida por Obed Arango quien durante los años 2021 y 2023 ha visitado la zona, entrevistado a los habitantes, grabado y fotografiado.
La entrevista a Salvador González fue hecha por Obed Arango, David Villalvazo y Miguel Grimaldos García.
Un documental con el apoyo de la iniciativa “Futuros Justos” de UPenn y Fundación Mellon en colaboración con el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Pennsylvania.
Y de la Independence Public Media Foundation.
English Version:
Introduction: “MACONI” is the compelling testimony of Salvador González, a Mexican immigrant living in the suburbs of Philadelphia. His life reflection is honest, direct, harsh, yet filled with hope. This short film delves into the challenges faced by the immigrant community, offering a counter-narrative that challenges the negative portrayals and criminalization of immigrants in the United States.
About the Film: The short film is part of the “Villa Inmigrante” collection, directed and produced by Obed Arango. Between 2021 and 2023, Arango visited the area, conducted interviews with residents, and captured their stories through recordings and photographs.
The Interview: The interview with Salvador González was conducted by Obed Arango, David Villalvazo and Miguel Grimaldos García providing an intimate look into González’s experiences and perspectives.
Production Support: “MACONI” was made possible with the support of the “Futuros Justos” initiative of UPenn and the Mellon Foundation, in collaboration with the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Independence Public Media Foundation.