Por Lourdes Flores
Click here for English version
En ese lugar llegué a ser ayudante en la cocina, era levantarse a las 4 de la mañana y dormir a las 11 de la noche. Me gustaba, sólo que era mucho trabajo y ganaba poco, no salía, era trabajar los 7 días de la semana. Carolina, una mujer de cuerpo muy robusto, era muy bajita y con ojos muy grandes, a mi en lo particular me daba miedo, pero ella era administradora, y un día me dijo: “tú deberías de estar estudiando”, claro, mi respuesta era “sí, tal vez lo haga después, ahora sólo necesito ganar dinero para mi familia”, fue un tiempo duro, sabía que ese lugar no era para mi. Contacté a mi amiga Eva, ella era una mujer callada, era alegre, pero sólo cuando estaba conmigo. Eva estaba en Ensenada, y cuando me dijo que regresaría a casa, yo me puse feliz. Me regresé a mi lindo pueblo sólo por unos días, ya que con Eva nos iríamos a trabajar a la ciudad de Toluca. Me despedí otra vez de mami, mis viejitos sabian que eso ya era algo normal, de ir por unos dias e irme otra vez, y sí así era, y era por la necesidad de la pobreza. Se llegó el día, y otra vez me fui a otra megaaaa aventura.
Ahora con la edad que tengo les aconsejo a mis hijos que, no todos los que dicen ser amigos lo son, y se los digo por experiencia. Cuando me fui a Toluca, yo iba feliz, el pago era muy bueno, yo sentía que con eso haría muchas cosas, hice castillos, me ilusioné con todo lo que mi amiga me contaba .
La joven de 18 años es vista por muchas miradas esa joven llevada de la mano de su amigestá con la confianza que todo estará bien claro con las pocas explicaciones sabía que todo sería fácil .
El irse en autobús era muy fácil ya que el viajar era lo más hermoso, ella siempre sentada en la ventanilla nunca dormía en todo el viaje se divertía con los paisajes le encantaba bajar en cada descanso y disfrutaba conocer era lo que le hacía feliz y así llega al lugar que le cambió su destino o mejor dicho la vida .
Me dice Eva bajate y baja las maletas voy a buscar un taxi para que nos lleven a la vecindad donde viviremos y yo con muchas preguntas la aturdía se veía en su expresión claro ella era la experta en ese lugar yo solo como un animalito siguiéndola.
– Evaaaa escuchame dónde vamos dime que es lo que vamos a hacer aquí dime con una chingada sé que me has contado, pero dime más de lo que voy a hacer.
Eva con ojos fijos a los míos me dice solo obedeces y ahí está el dinero tu tranquila yo te enseño, ahora dejamos todo y nos vamos de compras y a comer porque tengo mucha hambre. Le dije está bien, vámonos pero me voy a comer una hamburguesa y con risas dijo – nada de eso ahora comeremos puras ensaladas nada pesado–. Con caras feas le dije sí.
Conocí el lugar y a algunas personas que saludaban a ella y yo le decía – eres conocida manita aquí– y con sonrisas ella dijo – sí me he pasado la vida aquí solo fui a ensenada a descansar– y yo sorprendida seguía a su lado.
Fuimos al mercado comimos rico nada de ensaladas me la perdono porque todavía no trabajamos ya que era lunes y empezamos el día miércoles, después fuimos a la iglesia ahí me quede solo sentada por un rato mirando la imagen de la virgen de Guadalupe era hermosa más grande que la de mi pueblo ahí había bancas largas y con colchoncito veía la gran diferencia era totalmente enorme yo emocionada salí con mucha paz claro mis oraciones de joven inocente se veía a kilómetros, caminamos a un lugar favorito de Eva era mejor que no me llevara ya que ahí era carísimo todo las cosas eran elegantes y te atendían de lo lindo obvio ella era una cliente especial con guiños le enseñaba los precios, con risas se burlaba de mí y decía agarra lo que te guste y cuando tengas dinero me lo regresas .
Pero yo no iba a eso, yo quería dinero, pero para mi familia no para esos lujos.
La boutique que después me dijo que era empezó a ser también mi preferida, con el tiempo ya tenía dinero.
AHORA a esta edad lo material no me importa con solo tener paz en mi corazón es suficiente. En el transcurso de las horas y el dia empecé a conocer más chicas, eran muy lindas muy amables divertidas escuchaban música super alto estábamos solas era como si nadie iba a llegar y regañarnos, otras chicas llegaban a dormir era un lugar grande con muchos cuartos y algunas me preguntaban si sabía lavar y yo emocionada les decía que sí ese era mi mole estuve lavando por horas llene tendederos de ropa y me pagaron bien yo emocionada le decía a Eva mira cuánto dinero me gane.
Hay tiempos tan emocionantes que la vida la vez hermosa sin embargo depende de cada circunstancia para que la veas de color de rosa o de color negra.
Hubo momentos de alegría yo sonreía mucho aunque por cosas simples siempre llegaban a mi mente mi amiga la lobita ya que sentía que iba a necesitar su compañía por situaciones que sola ella podía porque era muy aventada sin importar nada, conocí a chicas muy hermosas pero eran calladas de hecho una no hablaba como nosotros hablaba dialecto, yo trataba de hacer plática con ella ya que era solitaria yo sentía que se le dificultaba expresarse con todas un día le enseñé un lápiz y un cuaderno ella apenas podía escribir así empezamos conversaciones cortas a ella le decían la princesa y sí parecía una princesa estaba muy linda peroooooo era la buena de todo por esa la adoraban yo no entendía cómo era la movida por ser novata .
En todas partes hay una desmadre y a esa la llamaban “la chicle” y no me pregunten porque pero sí así le decían y cuando me enteré de su locuras entendí cuál era el motivo ella era morena grande y china y si era de la costa grande donde todos se dicen de tu claro eran sus palabras cuando se presentó conmigo
“La chicle” se vestía muy provocativa no le importaba si se le salían sus nenas así como las llamaba y con el dicho si tengo enseño. Toda persona tiene algo de debilidad lástima porque pocos días no regresó su debilidad se la llevo.
Una en particular era Eva mi amiga ella fue no quisiera que supiera más de ella pero demasiado tarde ya me había embarrado de su vida ahora sí la conocía más mucho más.
Eva es una mujer alta delgada de pelo largo de cara ovalada con pestañas largas ojos pequeños de boca grande labios gruesos y siempre vestía de faldas largas o vestidos largos y con sus zapatos de piso o tenis a ella casi no le gustaban los pantalones es más los odiaba se los ponía cuando su trabajo se lo pedía, pero era muy rara vez que pasaba bueno por el tiempo que yo estuve ahí pasó una sola vez. A Eva le gustaba comer puras ensaladas y pechuga asada siempre comía eso estaba tan flaca claro con curvas.
Su debilidad de eva era comprar mucho y caro con lo que se ganaba pues era nada como si le quitaras un pelo al gato o mejor dicho no le importaba su dinero aun así ella no era tonta mandaba dinero a su mamá porque ella tenía a su hijo y lo tenía de lo mejor en su casa, Eva estaba haciendo su casa de material de dos pisos muy grande la familia de ella tenían un sonido y ella compró todo era de los mejores del pueblo y sin saber yo creía que eran de familia de dinero haaaa pero cuando me di cuenta que hacía, pues sí era justo creo yo que sus ganancias lo invirtió en su hijo él era su vida así lo expresaba todo el tiempo con ojitos llenos de lágrimas me decía por él estoy aquí y si no trabajara aquí fuera tan pobre que ni para zapatos mi tesoro tendría en sus piecitos. Yo empecé a entender muchas cosas entendía o más me confundía sentía que las injusticias de la vida eran duras yo decía porque somos pobres y otros ricos con Eva me ponía triste cuando contaba sus cosas.
En su vida solo tuvo un esposo y la abandonó por eso se salió del pueblo a trabajar para mantener a su hijo. Su familia dependía de ella solamente, eran muchos de los que comían de su dinero y esa era la rabia de Eva por eso no iba a su casa del pueblo todo el tiempo estaba trabajando solo iba de vez en cuando a ver a su tesoro, regresaba con energía y decía ahora vengo por mucho más.
En poco tiempo conocí su vida, pero no me convencía el trabajo.
English Version:
By Lourdes Flores
In that place I became a kitchen helper, getting up at 4 in the morning and sleeping at 11 at night. I liked it, except that it was a lot of work and I earned little, I didn’t go out, it was working 7 days a week. Carolina, a woman with a very robust body, was very short and with very big eyes, she scared me in particular, but she was an administrator, and one day she told me: “you should be studying”, of course, my answer It was “yes, maybe I will do it later, now I just need to earn money for my family”, it was a hard time, I knew that place was not for me. I contacted my friend Eva, she was a quiet woman, she was happy, but only when she was with me. Eva was in Ensenada, and when she told me she was coming home, I was happy. I returned to my beautiful town only for a few days, since with Eva we would go to work in the city of Toluca. I said goodbye to mommy again, my elders knew that this was something normal, to go for a few days and leave again, and yes it was, and it was because of the necessity of poverty. The day came, and again I went on another mega adventure.
Now at my age, I advise my children that not all those who say they are friends are, and I tell them from experience. When I went to Toluca, I was happy, the pay was very good, I felt that with that I would do many things, I made castles, I was excited about everything my friend told me.
The 18-year-old girl is seen by many eyes, that young woman led by her friend’s hand with the confidence that everything will be very clear with the few explanations she knew that everything would be easy.
Going by bus was very easy since traveling was the most beautiful thing, she always sat in the window, she never slept the entire trip, she had fun with the landscapes, she loved getting off at every break and she enjoyed knowing, it was what made her happy and so He arrives at the place that changed his destiny or rather his life.
Eva tells me, get off and put down the suitcases, I’m going to look for a taxi to take us to the neighborhood where we will live and I was confused with many questions, it was clear in her expression, she was clearly the expert in that place, I was just like a little animal following her.
– Evaaaa listen to me where we are going, tell me what we are going to do here, tell me the hell I know you have told me, but tell me more about what I am going to do.
Eva, with her eyes fixed on mine, tells me just obey and there’s the money, calm down, I’ll teach you, now we’ll leave everything and go shopping and eat because I’m very hungry. I told him okay, let’s go but I’m going to eat a hamburger and with laughter he said – none of that, now we’ll just eat salads, nothing heavy. With ugly faces I said yes.
I got to know the place and some people who greeted her and I told her – you are a well-known handyman here – and with smiles she said – yes I have spent my life here, I just went to Ensenada to rest – and I was still by her side, surprised.
We went to the market, we ate delicious, no salads, I forgive myself because we still don’t work since it was Monday and we started on Wednesday, then we went to the church, there I sat alone for a while looking at the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe, it was beautiful, larger That in my town there were long benches and with mattresses, I saw the big difference, it was totally enormous. I was excited, I left with a lot of peace, of course, my prayers as an innocent young man could be seen for miles, we walked to a favorite place of Eva’s, it was better that she didn’t take me now. Everything was very expensive there, things were elegant and they took great care of you. Obviously, she was a special customer. She winked and showed her the prices, with laughter she made fun of me and said, “Take what you like and when you have money, you can give it back to me.”
But I wasn’t going for that, I wanted money, but for my family not for those luxuries.
The boutique that he later told me it was also began to be my favorite, over time I already had money.
NOW at this age I don’t care about material things, just having peace in my heart is enough. Over the course of the hours and the day I began to meet more girls, they were very pretty, very friendly, fun, they listened to music very loudly, we were alone, it was as if no one was going to come and scold us, other girls came to sleep, it was a big place with many rooms and Some asked me if I knew how to wash and I excitedly told them that yes, that was my thing. I was washing for hours, I filled clothes lines and they paid me well. I was excited and told Eva, look how much money I made.
There are times so exciting that life is beautiful, however it depends on each circumstance whether you see it in pink or black.
There were moments of joy, I smiled a lot, although for simple things my friend the wolf always came to my mind since I felt that I was going to need her company for situations that only she could do because she was very brave no matter what, I met very beautiful girls but they were Quiet, in fact, one of them did not speak like we did, she spoke dialect, I tried to talk to her since she was lonely, I felt that it was difficult for her to express herself with everyone. One day I showed her a pencil and a notebook, she could barely write, so we started short conversations with her. They called her the princess and she did look like a princess, she was very pretty but she was the good one of everything that’s why they adored her. I didn’t understand what the move was like for being a newbie.
Everywhere there is a mess and they called that one “the chicle” and don’t ask me why but that’s what they called her and when I found out about her madness I understood what the reason was, she was big dark-haired and Chinese and she was from the big coast where everyone says your clear were his words when he introduced himself to me
“La chicle” dressed very provocatively, she didn’t care if her girls came out, that’s what she called them and with the saying if I have a lesson. Every person has some weakness, it’s a pity because a few days he didn’t return, his weakness took him away.
One in particular was Eva, my friend. She didn’t want me to know more about her, but too late I had learned about her life, now I knew her much more.
Eva is a tall, thin woman with long hair, an oval face, long eyelashes, small eyes, a big mouth, thick lips, and she always wore long skirts or long dresses, and with her flat shoes or tennis shoes, she almost didn’t like pants, it’s more like them. He hated wearing them when his job asked him to, but it was very rare that it happened, well during the time I was there it happened only once. Eva liked to eat only salads and she always ate roasted breast that was so skinny of course with curves.
Eva’s weakness was to buy a lot and expensively with what she earned because it was nothing like taking a hair off the cat or rather she didn’t care about her money even so she wasn’t stupid she sent money to her mother because she had her son and she had the best in her house, Eva was making her very large two-story house out of material, her family had a sound and she bought everything, it was one of the best in town and without knowing it, I believed that they were from a family with money. haaaa but when I realized what he was doing, well, yes it was fair, I think that he invested his earnings in his son, he was his life, that’s how he expressed it all the time with eyes full of tears, he told me I’m here for him and if I didn’t work, I’d be out here. so poor that my treasure wouldn’t even have shoes on her little feet. I began to understand many things I understood or more confused I felt that the injustices of life were hard I said because we are poor and other rich people with Eva made me sad when she told her things.
In her life she only had one husband and he abandoned her so she left the town to work to support her son. Her family depended on her alone, there were many of them who ate from her money and that was Eva’s rage that’s why she didn’t go to her house in town all the time, she was working, she only went from time to time to see her treasure, she came back with energy and said now I’m coming for much more.
In a short time I learned about his life, but the job did not convince me.
Lourdes Flores
Mi nombre es María de Lourdes López Flores.
Soy mexicana del estado de Guerrero
Soy madre de tres hermosos tesoros pero sobre todo soy mujer, artivista, participo en el círculo de investigaciones particpativas y me apasiona escribir.
Soy inmigrantre desde hace veine años en los Estados Unidos.
Mis intereses son la educación por un mundo mejor.
Luchamos por la igualdad y pertenezco al Centro de Cultura, Arte, Trabajo y Educación (CCATE)
Selected Work by Lourdes Flores:
EVA (I): La Muñequita Y Sus Vivencias
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