by Alison Calderón-López

The lightning struck me far more than it struck you.
Do I cross your mind?
Or do I take over it like you do to mine?
Do you believe 100% that you’ll see me when You turn a corner?
Everytime I walk anywhere I believe with One-hundred percent certainty that you’ll be There, standing right in front of me.
That’s my problem.
I believe.
A blessing & a curse.
You’re in everything,
E v e r y t h i n g.
You are my everything.
Am I in everything?
Am I your everything too?
I am starstruck.
Love struck.
I believe that you were never struck at all.
Now I know with one-hundred percent certainty that only I Have been struck by lightning.
Alison Calderón-López
Alison is 13 years old and a student at the Centro de Cultura Arte Trabajo y Educacion.
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