por Obed Arango
Click here for English version
Nuestro Mundo, es el testimonio de Ruth una adolescente peruana de origen quechua que habita en las lomas de Chalhuani, en Puente Piedra, Lima. Su reflexión de vida es honesta directa, dura, pero llena de esperanza. En el cortometraje aborda los retos que tiene la comunidad por la falta de agua y de servicios básicos; sin embargo, presenta una luz de esperanza a través de la inauguración de la biblioteca “El Quijote” de Lomas de Chalhuani, que con su familia ha hecho posible.
El cortometraje forma parte de la colección “Villa Inmigrante” realizada y producida por Obed Arango quien durante los años 2021 y 2023 ha visitado la zona, entrevistado a los habitantes, grabado y fotografiado.
Un documental con el apoyo de la iniciativa “Futuros Justos” de UPenn y Fundación Mellon en colaboración con el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Pennsylvania” Y de Independence Public Media Foundation.
Texto original y voz:
“Mi mundo, tu mundo, nuestro mundo” por Ruth Layme Cárdenas
por Obed Arango
English Version:
Our World
Our World is the testimonial of Ruth, a Peruvian teenager of Quechua origin who lives in the hills of Chalhuani, in Puente Piedra, Lima. Her reflection about life is direct, honest, hard, but full of hope. In the short film she addresses the challenges that the community has due to the lack of water and basic services; However, she presents a light of hope through the inauguration of the “El Quijote” library in Lomas de Chalhuani that with his family he has made possible.
The short film is part of the “Villa Immigrante” collection made and produced by Obed Arango who during the years 2021 and 2023 has visited the area, interviewed the inhabitants, recorded and photographed.
A documentary with the support of the “Fair Futures” initiative of UPenn and the Mellon Foundation in collaboration with the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and the Independence Public Media Foundation.
Original text and voice:
“My world, your world, our world” by Ruth Layme Cárdenas
by Obed Arango
Ruth Sarai Layme Cárdenas
She is a seventh grade student and attends El Quijote para la vida, where he coordinates the Lomas de Chahuani library and directs a radio program for teenagers.
Obed Arango
He is a citizen of Latin America of Mexican origin, visual artist and anthropologist. Director of CCATE and professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
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